It’s a New Year and a New Me! Actually, it’s the same me, but I’m going to love myself better! And I certainly hope you will too! ;D After an incredibly challenging year and one where I endured deep personal loss, I decided to take time this month to reflect, evaluate how I am living in alignment with my values, and make some changes that would enable me to be more intentional about steps I take moving forward.
I am so sincerely inspired by Mel Butcher, that I participated in a virtual workshop she was leading on January 9th through A Career that Soars! In that goal-planning workshop, I was able to journal and work through lots of self-reflective exercises to help me on my journey.
I’m also happy to announce that I joined the Freelancers Union, based out of New York, and am in the process of looking into / creating professional development opportunities that don’t cost ‘an arm and a leg’. I’ll always be a life-long learner!